
Ricky Whittle by Austin Anderton for DA MAN Magazine, June 2015

I’m a bit of an adrenaline junkie, so I love to get my blood pumping by cliff jumping. I’m a qualified skydiver, so I enjoy jumping out of perfectly good airplanes and I also have a racing license and used to race Formula 3. Anything involving speed and thrills, I’m in. I like taking rides on my Harley Davidson through the valleys: You can’t beat riding along the California coastline, Mother Nature is an artist and it’s a beautiful sight at sunset.

that gifset is great also because i think mike lawson realizes it took less than 3 months to develop real legitimate feelings for ginny baker and want to run across the country to escape them. like he has feelings for the one person he is not allowed to have feelings for and he can’t fall in love with his 24 year old rookie pitcher. i also feel that maybe falling in love with rachel wasn’t this easy or this quick. it is not just love but admiration, desire, and he just adores her.

for sure! the man is 100% aware of how ridiculous his crush on/adoration of/love for Ginny Baker is. and how off-limits she is, too. 

yet, there he is, with these massive, inconvenient, all-consuming feelings for this phenomenon pitcher. Feelings that he’s definitely gonna run from to avoid detonating every good thing in his life, only to do exactly that with the failed trade.

I do think you make a good point on the Rachel front. When she says, “You like chasing. You don’t like having,” it sounds like she’s speaking from experience. So, maybe Mike knew right away that Rachel intrigued him and he wanted to know her better, but he probably didn’t fall for her as fast as he’s fallen for Ginny. And if she was playing hard to get, then it definitely wasn’t easy. 

In the end, I think with Rachel, both when he first met/dated her and when he was trying to get her back, Mike was looking for a romantic partner. I’m sure this man who came from such a dysfunctional home life, had a lot of idealized visions of what being in love is like. And maybe Rachel ticked most, if not all, of those boxes. 

But then along comes this upstart pitcher, and she absolutely sneaks up on him.

And honestly, the way she makes him feel is better than he ever could have imagined.