
 #ok you cannot claim a rando on your taxes #so gus has absolutely filed for civil union #and then upgraded to marriage  #no input whatsoever from shawn #just a lot of paperwork and gus Doing His Thing #you know how he sweettalks bureaucratic people #he’s at a fucking courthouse being like BIG SMILE no my husband is not here men amirite #and somehow the judge is like OH YOU GO ON THEN #and he’s officially married #and shawn WHO NEVER FILES TAXES ANYWAY #is now covered #shawn wonders why he’s on gus’s insurance when he breaks his wrist #shawn wonders why that time gus has his appendix out that the hospital staff just lets him wander in #shawn wonders why he got that toaster in the mail with the CONGRATULATIONS!!!! card #you know what is actually probably true tho #the reason it took these two their whole fucking lives to realize they were ACTUALLY in love #is that probably deep down they think the other is way out of their league #like they assume it as some kind of bedrock truth #the sky is blue and he is out of my league #but then shawn for whatever reason puts two and two together #and figures out theyre married #and only THEN can they bone
   (tags via @ifeelbetterer )