
Parks and Rec Meme: 5/10 episodes → The Fight.
“You don’t even know one thing. I didn’t even say one thing. And then she asked me the whole thing, and I didn’t even do it once.”


get to know me: [4/5] favorite male characters – winston bishop
“I’ve been thinking a lot about the earth. We gotta leave it better than we found it.”


Richard Schiff: You wanna know a really cool moment from Mr. Willis of Ohio? I was experimenting- What year was that?

Hrishi Hirway:

Richard Schiff:
That was the first year? I was experimenting already with the way I was with this character, and experimenting with neutrality. I was like, “I’m going to fuck around with this.” In the very last scene we’re at a poker table. I get up and say, “I just want to see the vote.” I’m looking at this screen, and they don’t have the picture! Normally I would want the picture so that I could react to it. So I’m literally going, “I don’t know what my reaction is going to be!” I’m not going to have a reaction, I’m going to create one, which I’d rather not do. It was just a green screen. I’m looking at it thinking, “I wonder what my reaction would be… I’m going to think about something else. I’m just going to look at the screen, and think about that.” Two days later Tommy (Schlamme) comes up to me, because he sees it in editing, he doesn’t see it on the day, two or three days later he comes running up to me. He goes, “That was the most brilliant bit of non-verbal acting I’ve ever seen! It was phenomenal! We were all talking about it in the editing room!” I never told him what I was actually thinking. You know what I was thinking?

Josh Malina:
“What’s for lunch?”

Hrishi Hirway:
Neutral face?

Richard Schiff:
No. It wasn’t so neutral… I was looking at the screen thinking, “What would it be like to have sex with Allison Janney?”