Now just imagine Mike and Ginny are fooling around, he can’t wait to have his way with her only for Janet to come traipsing through the house and interrupts them. It takes everything in Mike not to snap đŸ˜

ooh, i’m not sure what I’ve done to deserve this, but I like it!

And while it would be delightful to see this in some kind of high school AU situation, I almost like the idea of it happening to them in a canon time frame even more? Janet dropping by for an unexpected visit or something?

Like, there’s no way that Michael Lawson, captain of the San Diego Padres isn’t desperate to please any kind of parental figure. It’s part of his whole, “Moms love me,” thing. They love him because he needs to prove himself to any and all parents in the vicinity. (Lowkey that’s why he and Blip are such good friends: Blip was already a dad when they met.)

And I feel like there’s definitely room for this situation to devolve into some kind of sexual chicken. Because Ginny’s relationship with her mom is already rocky enough without adding on some interrupted up close and personal time with Mike. So, I could see it happening that Ginny tries to get Janet out of the house as quickly as possible, but Mike is in full on Impress-the-Mom mode. In spite of really wanting to finish what he and Ginny had started.

Anyway, gets annoyed and decides to play dirty, lingering touches and whispering dirty shit in Mike’s ear when her mom won’t notice. And of course Mike’s competitive side has to kick in, ass smacks and promises of retaliations that only wind Ginny up more. Everything becomes a competition to see who will snap and unceremoniously usher Mrs. Baker out the door first.

I don’t know if your prompts are still open but: Ginny lets it slip that once or twice she’s faked it and Mike is determined to make sure it never happens again.

Okay, so I kind of remember someone else writing something similar to this prompt right around when I got this ask, but I love it, so I took this in a slightly different direction. And when I say slightly I mean ran straight into another AU that no one asked for. 

guys like you | rated explicit | chapter 1

Whoever’s idea it was to break the moratorium on drinking games at team parties deserves a bat to the nuts. There was a reason they decided last semester not to play these games anymore. But reason stands no chance against the concentrated power of Evelyn’s famous Jell-o shots. The sheer amount of Everclear-190 that goes into every batch makes sure of hat.

And so, even though she has long since learned to avoid those little jiggly treats, everyone (but mainly Ginny) is now being subjected to Never Have I Ever.

(It’s cold comfort that her team captain had seemed as wary as she was at the beginning of the night. That’s because, judging by his ruddy cheeks and the way he’s grinning at a few of the girls in the circle of participants, Mike Lawson’s forgotten all about his reservations. And why worry about another brawl, like the one that’d begun the ban on alcohol-based competitions? Obviously eyeing up some of the ball bunnies in attendance is more pressing.)

In spite of her worry, her fellow San Diego Aztecs seem pretty content with drunkenly over-sharing rather than trying to beat each other’s faces in. Which, on the one hand is good because baseball season is around the corner and the team really doesn’t need another shake up; they’d really only just settled down from her transfer in last year. On the other hand…

Ginny’s learned far too much about her teammates tonight. And she’d already known too much in the first place. But tonight, even more dirty secrets have come to light. Like the fact that Salvi was put in the back of a police car buck naked because he’d streaked at his high school’s homecoming game and the cops wouldn’t let him go back for his clothes. Or there’s Tommy’s collection of vintage Playboys, Dusty’s impeccable Steve Urkel impression, and Javanes’ admission that his eyebrows aren’t all he waxes. 

She’s just taking a sip (”Never have I ever sucked dick.” Which, real original, Hinkley.) when she feels everyone’s attention turn to the woman next to her.

Evelyn grins mischievously, but doesn’t bother to keep them in suspense. “Never have I ever faked it in bed,” she says confidently, as well she should. It’s her go-to. 

Stubbs is too busy high-fiving Blip to notice that his girlfriend is taking a sheepish sip from her mixed drink. In fact, most of the girls playing take a hit from Evelyn’s turn, though it doesn’t seem as if many of the guys notice. 

Except Mike. His grin fades to a frown, which deepens the longer he watches the women around him tacitly confess to less than stellar experiences in bed. Ginny imagines that his opinion of his teammates is plummeting dramatically even as he tries to calculate how many of these girls he can pick up by offering his services. 

She snorts to herself, looking down as she tries to clear the sudden bitterness in her mouth. When she looks up, though, Mike’s attention has drifted to her and he’s got one eyebrow raised, a silent question.

Ginny just rolls her eyes and takes a swig from her too-warm beer.

read the rest on ao3

replied to your post
“why do the yankees always win? – ch. 3”

Okay this is BRILLIANT and I am DESPERATE for you to continue omg!!!

Thank you!! I’m definitely going to, I’m just trying to get a handle on my backlog of prompts first. I feel guilty leaving the stuff people have asked me to write for something that I just started for myself. But I’m really glad you like it and am excited to get back to it!!

Sorry it’s been a while since I last spoke to you, things kind of got on top of me the last few days! Your puppy is absolutely adorable! I’m pretty much the same with Valentine’s Day to be perfectly honest, no romantic prospects there as far as I’m concerned. I’ve finished your gift and I’m planning to submit it soon. Just a quick question, what kind of taste in music do you have? What artists or genres do you listen to? Favourite songs/albums? Just wondering -Your Bellarke Valentine :) x

Ahh, that’s totally okay! You’re making me feel inadequate – i don’t talk to my valentine nearly this much. I’m still not over how cute this dog is! How anyone could give her up is a mystery 😦

As for music, i listen to a lot of stuff, but i guess the overarching theme would be “hipster-shit lite” ? Like I don’t think i’m into really obscure artists or anything, but I definitely go more for an indie singer/songwriter sound. Some of my current faves are: The Oh Hellos, Liza Anne, Florence + The Machine, Daughter, Hozier, and the Civil Wars.